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Ma grand-mère sans frontière

10 octobre 2014, 10:42

I can do it !

Ingredients :

1 cup of Butter or Ghee ( Ghee is clarified butter, see my post on Ghee to learn how to make it)

1 cup of Sugar

2.5 cups of white all purpose flour

Blanched almonds or pistachios for decoration

Optional :

1 hint of almond essence, or 1 hint of ma’ward or ma’zaher

In a bowl, mix (with an electric mixer) the ghee or butter until the mixture becomes smooth and white.

Incorporate the sugar, and continue mixing until the mixture is smooth, white and that the sugar has dissolved. Add in the optional flavour and with a spatula gently start folding in the flour.

Form the cookie dough into small balls, place on a baking sheet and flatten the top by pressing in a blanched almond.

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