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6 avril 1994 - 6 avril 2012 : Rwanda, un massacre et un avertissement aux travailleurs et aux peuples du monde entier

9 mai 2014, 13:13, par Robert Paris

What is the reason of the genocide ? What is the purpose of the Rwandan ruling classes ? And of French imperialism ? The root of this ethnical genocide is not of ethnic type and there is no military purpose in the genocide. Moderate Hutu personalities were killed first. The military attack by the RPF is not the cause of genocide. Ethnic genocide was the means but not the goal. This is not a spontaneous action but organized at the highest level of the State, the Rwandan ruling classes as French ruling class. The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu Power. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7, 1994 to mid-July, an estimated 1,000,000 Rwandans were killed, constituting as much as 30% of the country’s total population and 80% of the Tutsi then living in Rwanda. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population. The cause is to be sought in the social and civil revolt of 1990-1992 people of Rwanda (Kigali massive demonstrations against the regime and not on ethnic grounds or to support the RPF war) who scares the ruling class, that ’they are Rwandan and French. Fascism Hutu Power has social roots, those of a revolution against. At the same time, all of Africa is threatened by political and social unrest, for example in 1988 in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire in 1990 and Mali in 1991. French imperialism was frightened by this revolution ...

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