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La disparition soudaine de la civilisation des Anasazis

22 janvier 2013, 19:50

The ruins of Pueblo Bonito cover three acres, the largest single prehistoric Indian building at the time of its construction, 1030-1079 AD. The rear wall still rises four stories high in places. Although there is room for a thousand people, it seems that no more than 600 lived in Pueblo Bonito at any given time. 37 kivas have been identified at this site. The great kiva near the center is over 45 feet in diameter at the floor. Evidence of an extensive Pre-columbian trade network established by 1030 comes from Pueblo Bonito in the form of copper bells, marine shells, parrots and macaws, all of which were carried from the south. The Indians extracted a valuable blue stone, Turquoise, from mines around Cerillos, fashioned some of it into jewelry and traded it for Mexican goods.

There have not been many bodies found at Chaco so there is some speculation about how they disposed of their dead. Although some theorize that the Anasazi were very egalitarian, there is also some evidence of status in the burials found here. Two men were found buried in a subfloor of a room in Pueblo Bonito, along with thousands of artifacts. Were they part of an elite class who controlled the turquoise trade and had amassed capital so that they were effectively the regional bankers and investors ? Were they part of a religious or political hierarchy ?

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