European Central Bank cuts interest rate below zero
By Stefan Steinberg
The European Central Bank (ECB) slashed one of its interest rates to negative territory and unveiled a €400bn loan package for Europe’s banks in response to the ongoing economic slump and the threat of deflation.
At its meeting in Frankfurt Thursday, the central bank cut its main lending rate to 0.15 percent from its current historic low of 0.25 percent, and its overnight deposit rate from zero to minus 0.10 (…)
Accueil > Mots-clés > Traduction > English
European Central Bank cuts interest rate below zero
7 June 2014, by Robert Paris -
Philosophy of history - Hegel
21 October 2010Read here
Stalinism and Fascism
26 December 2021, by Robert ParisC.L.R. James
AS THE STALINIST REGIME DESTROYED THE BOLSHEVIK party by slander and organisational terror (not against class-enemies, it must always be remembered, which all history proves to be necessary, inevitable and not in the least confined to Communists, but against honest, intelligent and devoted members of its own ranks), so it automatically transferred these methods to the International. [1]
With the final expulsion of the (…) -
Autobiographies and stories concerning working-class militants - Autobiographies des militants ouvriers et leur histoire
12 January 2017, by Robert ParisAutobiographies and stories concerning working-class militants
The Autobiography of Mother Jones, by Mary Jones
Striking Flint 1937
The Lawrence Strike of 1912
British working class movement to the 1926 general strike
Haymarket Martyr and Albert Parsons
Coal Strike 1912
Seattle General Strike 1919
Lawrence Strike 1912
The Shanghai Insurrection by Harold R. Isaacs
The Maritime Strike 1936
Gastonia textile strike 1929
Minneapolis Teamster Strikes 1934
Bombay Textile (…) -
USA : It Is Not Our Election But Their Election
8 November 2016, by Robert ParisTheir Elections And The Choices We Face
The nasty, nightmarish, reality show of the presidential elections finally ends on November 8th. This election presented the stark reality of the choices this system has to offer us. Around 60 percent of potential Democratic and Republican voters had unfavorable reactions to both candidates – small wonder! Two years of endless media coverage and billions of dollars wasted on campaigns of personal insults left us with the so-called “choice” of (…) -
Japanese premier signals military buildup during US visit
2 March 2013, by Robert ParisJapanese premier signals military buildup during US visit
By Alex Lantier
In a February 21-22 visit to Washington, newly-elected Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo pledged to escalate Japanese military collaboration with US imperialism and participate in Washington’s planned Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade zone project. This is a commitment to deep attacks on the working class and a global escalation of imperialist war and intrigue.
Abe, a right-wing nationalist politician (…) -
Class Struggle in Ghana - Luttes de classes au Ghana
22 July 2017, by Robert ParisClass Struggle in Ghana - Luttes de classes au Ghana
Mai 2017 : workers demand better pay
May 2017 : Trade Unions criticize President Akufo-Addo after having voted for him
Mai 2017 : Blame Union Secretary for problems at Tema Shipyard – Workers
Avril 2017 : strike by textile company workers
Mars 2017 : strike over TV3 staff dismissals
Mars 2017 : TV3 staff dismissals
Mars 2017 : contre l’esclavage des enfants
Février 2017 : grève des enseignants
Janvier 2017 : licenciements (…) -
12 July 2019, by Robert ParisKARL MARX
A commodity appears, at first sight, a very trivial thing, and easily understood. Its analysis shows that it is, in reality, a very queer thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties. So far as it is a value in use, there is nothing mysterious about it, whether we consider it from the point of view that by its properties it is capable of satisfying human wants, or from the point that those properties (…) -
Leon Trotsky - The First Five Years of the Communist International
4 July 2012, by Robert ParisRead here
2014 – Let’s Make It Our Year!
7 January 2014, by Robert Paris2014 – Let’s Make It Our Year!
Looking back on 2013, it was a year of records. The capitalist class – the owners of the banks and corporations – brought in record amounts of wealth. Their profits have hit an all-time record in this country, making up over 70 percent of the GDP (the gross domestic product – all wealth produced in one year). Companies are making the most amount of money since anytime after 1947 – the year that records started to be kept.
Banks alone made record amounts of (…)
- Bangladesh wage protests shut garment factories
- Memorial Day – Glorifying a System of Violence
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- Bangladeshi police attack garment workers’ protest
- Black history month - The struggle Hasn’t End -
- British banks may get bad ?
- Cambodian security forces shoot striking garment workers
- Chicago Teachers Vote to Continue Their Strike
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- China: 2,000 workers riot at Foxconn factory
- Conflit de l’entreprise Ceramica Cleopatra : affrontements à السويس Suez
- Emeutes à Ferguson après l’incendie du mémorial Michael Brown - Riots in Ferguson after the Michael Brown Memorial have been destructed
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- For workers’ power in Egypt!
- Haiti threatened by a new earthquake
- Hundreds more US coal miners laid off
- Hunger and Misery are the Agitators, Not Us
- India: Contaminated school-meal kills 22 children
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Books On Line
- Nazi Offensive in the USA
- Political crisis deepens in Mexico as army is called on to testify on Iguala massacre
- Political Document on Greece
- Puerto Rico: Profits Over People
- Reading upon dialectic
- Salaire non payé : émeute devant l’Hôtel Nile City Tower au Caire – 2 août 2012
- Second St. Louis area police shooting highlights unrestrained police violence in the US
- South Africa’s unions use mass sackings and murder to suppress miners
- Strike in Cambodia
- Strike in South Africa
- Struggles in Ecuador - Affrontements en Equateur - En français - In English
- Syria : begining of the third wold war ?
- Terrorism of ISIS and Terrorism of USA and France are inseparable
- The Crisis in Yemen – Not a Domestic Product
- The horrific events in Charlottesville
- The State Of Black America – A State Of Emergency
- The Struggles of Labor
- Toward World War III
- Trump : "American Billionaire First !"
- US launches air strikes inside Syria
- US military occupation of Haïti
- USA News
- War Against All Peoples Is Also War Against US People
- Washington ships arms to Al Qaeda-linked forces in Syria
- We Can Learn From the Russian Revolution
- Who is Responsible for the Disruption of Our Lives – BART Workers or the Bosses?
- Workers ! Future depends on ourselves !
- Workers riot in Greece - Emeute ouvrière en Grèce
- Workers’s opposition to Morsi
- Yuhang mass protests shake Chinese regime